PassOver Vision of the Black Death

Is Passover & Three Days of Darkness the same thing?  Maybe written March 28, 2024.

Today I saw a vision of a black cloud storm.  An unstopable black haze that destroys most of mankind in its wake.  It will overtake all of the Earth with darkness.  Killing everyone in its path & still commit no crime.  How?  The Dark Angels are ordained of God for the harvest of souls.  Just as the Passover was depicted in the Bibles before the desecration of the holy place(God’s words changed on Earth but forever set in Heaven.

A few days later I heard this statement by one who prophesied unawares.  “They are awakening Azrael the Angel of Death.”
“Azrael is the angel of death in some Abrahamic religions, namely Islam and Christian popular culture. Relative to similar concepts of such beings, Azrael holds a benevolent role as God’s angel of death; he acts as a psychopomp, responsible for transporting the souls of the deceased after their death.”

Possible fulfillment

1-1-2025 Could the strange new fog falling in particulates around the Earth be the predicted death cloud?  Time will tell.

Predicted to occur approximately April thru December’s end 2024

Wall of Death. Death Angel of Passover vision. 03-22-2024

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Sun of God vs. Sun of Man

Son of God vs son of man.  Both sun and son of man are ruling the day but their time is very short.  Supernatural Bible changes     End of Days website predictions   Revelation end of days

The god of the iron rods rules by towers of babel.  His time is short.

The Gentiles are already “caught up in the cloud”.  Like fish in a net.  By the god of the iron rods of Babel.  Make no mistake.  Not all the Dark Lord’s new words in the books are lies.  He tells his side of the story.

The Locust has flown.  The winged abomination already landed and infested those who are of reprobate minds.  The Fig Tree mystery is revealed to the chosen few.  Jesus protects His sheep.  The Lion of Judah left the lamb to the wolf of their choice.  They prefer the lies.  We cannot change their hearts.  Harvest time is upon us.  Time is short to be on the fallen Earth.

The New Earth is coming.

The Sun/Son of God is on the Way.   And the “son/sun of man” now rules the day.  The white hot coherent laser light sun of man and so the bibles Son of God turned to son of man.  God’s Son/Sun will return in power and in glory and who will be able to stand?

Natural light is not “coherent laser light”.

I took this photo about 6 years ago. See the wire & trees covered by the laser a “coherent strictly un-natural light source”. This proves it’s not a camera anomaly and that our new white hot Sun of man is not a natural sun.

For encouragement daily in dark times read my daily meditations book full of one page emotional daily helps.

One Stationary Earth Theory


IN THE FIGHT FOR TRUTH we may be wrong from time to time.

As Above So Below.  One meaning of this phrase is that we can do experiments researching Earth’s nature and its Godly engineering.  If the experiments work on the ground then they work above.  In most cases.  The only thing not accounted for in my cosmology theory is the inertia that keeps the planets moving around Earth.  The rest is magnetics.

Earth and all Planets are Magnetic

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“Paradise for the Hellbound” Read Free

The Scripture based Book Paradise for the Hellbound by Laura Edgar  If you prefer PDF version of the book for convenience here’s the link.

Copyrights reserved and conditional. Please don’t plagiarize.   Feel free to post or copy as long as full credit is given to me “Laura Edgar”. I Laura R. Edgar reserve by copyright all monetary rights 100% and rights to title and trademark. To thine own self be true.

Yes the book is on Amazon for sale however its not available in paper form only Kindle.  If you desire a paper book please contact me at

Please forgive the writer for poor wording back in 2012.  I have since learned (2022)I was in error by calling the bible "The Word of God."  Jesus is the only True "Word of God." John 1.  The Bible contains - God's inspired wordsssss.

Jonah is prophecy

The book of Jonah was always prophecy just like the rest of the end of days Old Testament stories.  Every one of the stories pertain to current fulfillments of prophecy (end of days) (2016-2024).  Have you noticed how many end of days “Watchmen on the wall” there are now?  The present day watchmen ARE THE SIGN OF JONAH.  They are screaming “prepare!  Jesus is returning soon prepare!”

Why am I saying that the watchmen are the sign of Jonah?  Because of a connected scripture.  I have a cross reference which pertains to the proclamation of the end of days and the warning that comes with it.

“A greedy and idolatrous generation seeks a sign!  But no sign will be given to them (on the end times) EXCEPT the sign of Jonah.  Just as Jonah spent three days in the whale in darkness, so too Jesus shall spend three days in death.”

And Jonah told the Ninevites to repent or they would perish.  That is the call of todays watchmen as well.  Hence the sign of Jonah is Jesus’ return.  Likely by 2024 April 8 or by 2024’s end.


What if under one condition a man could write books of wisdom and still be respected by his peers. And that one condition was this, every author must obey all his own words at all times for, if he doesn’t he shall be considered by one- and-all a hypocrite undeserving of the pen. I then say to this, thank God for and behold thy faithful hypocrite. For truly good men do evil. And atrocious men do good if only for display. No man [mankind] is at his best through every passing juncture of the season’s change. Please my fellows allow our writer his birthright of human perfection which is in fact, God’s calculated plan for an imperfect being. But for our many wise authors allowing their God-selves to surface, by clawing through the dark, narrow, natural mind. They do then spring forth into light. And we through time stock our libraries with Love-filled words of Wisdom and Grace. We devour the very words by our appetite of Hope.   And then our wise authors fade away from their best sparsely enabling the wisdom they know works. Thank God then for thy faithful hypocrite.___________________Laura Edgar

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Farewell Old English KJVB Hello Towers of Babel.

Hello Middle English

Used to be the KJV Bible was Old English very poetic always eloquent, never crass or brutal.  Old English was spoken in certain movies and films like the “Tudors” series.  And other movies with Shakespeare.

Think Romeo and Juliet, and they of that language HERE ARE EXAMPLES OF OLD ENGLISH AS IT WAS PRIOR TO THE MANDELA EFFECT.


A temperate Farewell to The Words in the KJVB.  Farewell to the renowned and exquisite scholarly grammar and spelling, farewell to that which lent itself to right and good.

Say hello to the works of the towers of Babel among you unawares.  And hello to the days of the Dark Lord’s rein on fallen Earth.

Continue reading “Farewell Old English KJVB Hello Towers of Babel.”

Morning Coffee, Dope, & Hope.

Our Daily Bread

“Mankind should not serve two masters.  For he will despise one, and embrace with Love, the Other.  Mankind should not serve both man (mammon) & God.”

Hell’s Seduction (Matt’s Art)

Yet here we are friends, brothers, sisters, yet here we are.  Forced by the system to serve mammon (money).   Why?  We need it to buy food and housing, clothing, and meds.  We need money to survive in this current system.  Because the way of survival by independence was long ago educated out of humankind.  They taught us one thing in school primarily. And that was how to be successfully dependant upon the beast system.  The slave owners have our asses.  And they are not letting go of power & control without a fight.

Continue reading “Morning Coffee, Dope, & Hope.”