Is Passover & Three Days of Darkness the same thing? Maybe written March 28, 2024.
Today I saw a vision of a black cloud storm. An unstopable black haze that destroys most of mankind in its wake. It will overtake all of the Earth with darkness. Killing everyone in its path & still commit no crime. How? The Dark Angels are ordained of God for the harvest of souls. Just as the Passover was depicted in the Bibles before the desecration of the holy place(God’s words changed on Earth but forever set in Heaven.
A few days later I heard this statement by one who prophesied unawares. “They are awakening Azrael the Angel of Death.”
“Azrael is the angel of death in some Abrahamic religions, namely Islam and Christian popular culture. Relative to similar concepts of such beings, Azrael holds a benevolent role as God’s angel of death; he acts as a psychopomp, responsible for transporting the souls of the deceased after their death.”
Possible fulfillment
1-1-2025 Could the strange new fog falling in particulates around the Earth be the predicted death cloud? Time will tell.